Thursday, July 30

Baby Dentures

The Case of the Missing Teeth:

I feel sort of like Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew, perhaps. Where are Julian's teeth?? He has been teething for months now, and still no teeth. Mateo had 2 teeth by the time he was 8 months old and 4 by the time he was 9 months old. Julian has zero at 8 months old. They don't really make baby dentures. But I would really like to see some progress on this whole teething situation since I have invested so much time, effort, money, and clothes that will forever be tainted by drool into it.

Open letter to Jude's teeth:

Dear Teeth,
Come out.
Love, Heather


Dreolin said...

I'm so excited you started a blog! I needed a new one to read:)

Burnett Family said...

It's Heather B,Now your gonna be addicted to blogging. It's fun. Still no teeth!! Hudson just busted out 2 these past 2 weeks. I'm sure they will come in before you know it!