Thursday, July 30

Just another morning at the Reynoso house...

We have been trying to get Mateo to sleep in his own bed. He had been doing just fine but then I got pregnant and my big old pregnant body just would not get up in the middle of the night to get him milk and give him kisses multiple times so I allowed him to sleep in the bed with us. Now Julian is 8 months old and in the bed with us as well, and this means too many Reynoso's in one bed!!! So I got the aerobed and put it below Mateo's bed and have been sleeping there for the past two nights. It's alright, I suppose. But he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to watch Little Einsteins and now those Einsteins are ending up in my dreams. I think I will move the aerobed to the hallway tonight so he can get used to sleeping in his bed by himself.

Mando bought Mateo a Wii game. Baaaaad idea. If I had been there I would have said Helllllllll NOOOO. Just like that. But I was not there. I was sitting in the car because I hate Best Buy and how Mando and Mateo act in there. One wants to buy everything and the other wants to buy everything.... and since we don't have enough money to buy everything, I would rather sit in the car and not witness that. Anyways, Mateo threw a fit in Best Buy because he wanted this Diego dinosaur game and of course, Mando bought it for him. Temper tantrums always work with Mando. Not with me. This is why he now insists on playing the dumb game and then forcing me to help him.

Jude likes to play Wii too. But his idea of playing is chewing on the controllers.

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