Tuesday, August 4

Wanted: Laundry Robot

So, I am doing the laundry today. Actually, I do the laundry nearly every day since it breeds while I sleep. I swear, I go to bed with only a few things in the basket and when I wake up it's overflowing! Ha. But with 3 boys in my family, I have a lot of laundry to do. And since I hate it so much, I constantly forget loads in the washer and then have to rewash them because they get nasty. I know, not good in a drought.

Anyways, I have been joking around about wanting a robot that will do the laundry for me, or at least fold it, for a while now. And guess what I just found online??? A robot that does just that! It is in Tokyo, of course. It can do laundry, sweep, and clean the kitchen. Everything I hate! I bet I could train it to clean the toilets too. So if anyone is looking for a gift for me, perhaps for my upcoming birthday, and you have tons of money to blow... I am in need of this robot!!

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