Monday, August 3


I used to think that "No" was the worst word in the English language after hearing it about a million times a day from Mateo... But I have since changed my mind. The worst word is definitely, "Why???"

I hear this word about 5 trillion times a day and any type of answer to the "whys" simply elicits another "why?"

This is how my morning has gone so far:

Mateo: Mommy, I want candy!
Me: You mean your medicine?

(note: This is my fault because when Mateo first started taking vitamins and lately, Children's Tums for his stomach, I told him they were candy so that he would actually swallow them. I know, bad mommy. I have since started calling them medicine but he still calls them candy)

Mateo: Yeah, candy!!
Me: Ok, you can have one of each.
Mateo: (chews medicine and Flintstone vitamin) One? I wants more!
Me: No, Mateo. You can only have one.
Mateo: But, whyyyyyyyyy?
Me: Because that's what it says on the bottle.
Mateo: Whyyyyy?
Me: Because you can't take too much or you will get sick.
Mateo: Whyyyyyyy?
Me: Because it is not candy, it is medicine and you have to be careful about taking medicine.
Mateo: Whyyyyyy?
Me: (frustrated) Because if you eat more you will get really sick and have to go to the doctor and get shots. Do you want that?
Mateo: No.
(Quiet for a little bit)
Mateo: Mommy, I want candy!!!!!!


1 comment:

Rachel said...

Love it. You are too funny. :) Why is way worse than no.